Interested in ProStar Coach?

800-488-6463 M-F 8am-6pm ET

Your Virtual Gym for Personal and Professional Growth

Facilitated Focused Workouts

Working on people skills and personal strengths is even easier when you have a personal trainer. In ProStar Coach, your virtual personal trainer is the FAR Workout system. FAR stands for:


It gives you structure while using the tools in ProStar. It helps you stay on track and gives you the repetitions you need to build a specific people skill or personal strength muscles.

First you FOCUS on just one area.

Then you translate know-how into ACTION in the real world.

In REFLECTION, you nail down lessons from your real-world experience.

Then you start a new cycle of Action and Reflection. You repeat these cycles until the desired behavior becomes second nature.

We’ve also built in coaching from real people in the Coaching Network.


Performance Support Systems, Inc. ~ 11838 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 130 ~
~ Newport News, VA 23606 ~ (800) 488-6463 ~ (757) 873-3700