About Meredith Bell


Thanks for visiting my page to learn more about me!


I’m President and co-founder of Performance Support Systems (PSS), based in Virginia. We’re a software company, and our passion is helping people become stronger for work and life. Our goal since 1987 has been to create the assessment and development resources that people need to:


  • Discover their strengths and learn how to leverage them
  • Target an area for development
  • Work on that area through action and reflection over time to ingrain permanent changes in behavior


Over the years, I’ve coached thousands of business leaders and consultants. As the head of marketing and sales for the company, I’m always looking for great joint-venture and affiliate relationships.


Paula - Denny - Meredith



I pride myself on forming long-term relationships based on mutual trust and respect. I've worked with my two business partners, Dennis E. (Denny) Coates, Ph.D., and Paula Schlauch, for 25 years. Many of our company’s resellers and clients have been loyal users of our products for 20 years.



Our Story


Denny and I spent many years as business consultants, and we delivered training programs to thousands of people in hundreds of organizations. While our clients were delighted with our services, we discovered that our programs didn’t have the long-term impact we expected. Participants were enthusiastic about applying the skills they’d learned, but under the day-to-day pressures of the job, the old familiar patterns resurfaced. We realized that something was missing: an ongoing follow-up system to coach, reinforce, and encourage people as they tried to turn the skills into work habits. That’s why we created ProStar Coach.


Our Products


When we released our first software product, 20/20 Insight, in 1994, it was a real breakthrough in feedback technology. We created an economical, customizable survey platform that would make it easy for everyone in a company to get performance feedback. The program has been used by thousands of organizations and more than a million participants worldwide. 


But of course, neither feedback nor training can, by themselves, change behavior. We decided to apply our decades of experience in the leadership assessment and development business to create something totally different, a technology that would support months of guided follow-through and reinforcement to change behavior.


After many years of research and development, we released a revolutionary online virtual coaching system called ProStar Coach. This platform incorporates everything we've learned about what the brain needs to master a skill or change a behavior pattern.


My Blog


During my professional career of more than 37 years, I've found myself in the role of coaching, encouraging, and helping others deal with their challenges. Looking back, I see that this is the one thing I love to do more than anything else. So I created my blog, Your Voice of Encouragement, to share the encouraging insights I've gained during my life's journey. We’ve also incorporated many of these encouragements into ProStar Coach.



Your Voice of Encouragement



My Family


My Personal Life


I've been married since 1982 to my best friend and husband Lee. We have a grown daughter, Alison, who lives nearby with her husband and little girl. They all bring tremendous joy to our lives, and we relish our role as grandparents.


Lee and I are avid bird watchers. We’re active in our local birding club, and I set up field trips throughout the year for the Virginia Society of Ornithology. Observing nature at work is my favorite way to relax and be “in the moment.”


Want to connect with me?


I’m active on these social networking sites and would love to connect with you on all of them:





You can also contact me at:

Performance Support Systems, Inc.
800-488-6463 or 757-873-3700 x201